All technical requests must go through the ticketing system, and you do that by sending an e-mail to [email protected]
- Please, don’t send your request through Microsoft Teams, it is impossible to manage tickets from there, our team will always prioritize tickets that come from the ticketing system.
- Make sure you enter the correct title for your e-mail, we received many tickets with the name: “help”, “Sent from Snipping Tool” etc.. with the proper title, it is easier for us to identify the issue.
- If you have an urgent issue to be resolved you can also add to your title: “Urgent”, even if we have a queue, we can prioritize the urgent tickets.
- If you can't access your computer (ie: no internet connection, locked password, lost device, stolen device), please call our support number: +1 226-546-1467
- We will be working to keep our Knowledge Base up to date with lots of tips and FAQ, make sure you visit it: